On behalf of all of us here at PICY, ¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero año Nuevo! The students have the 24th (Noche Buena) and 25th (Navidad) off from classes, but we'll be together again on Friday for a normal school day. Here are a few photos from Monday night's Christmas Festival, including some photos of the students with their Yucatecan families (two students escaped with their families before I could take their photo!). Emmanuel Guillermo Emma Rosita Galo y Lilyana Nina Seth Jay Kendall Karla giving the welcoming address Dance of las chicas Merengue! Mexican Christmas carols The meal ( tamales y espaghetti) And of course, the pi ñata! Happy Holidays from all of us here in Yucatan!
Official Program Blog of PICY (www.picy.org.mx)