This morning we visited another museum located in the bustling market area in downtown Merida. The Museum of the City. Our guide, Don Jose giving us a brief introduction Explaining that Merida was once a Mayan city know as T'ho which contained at least 5 pyramids Grace observing the replica of T'ho which reached the height of civilization around 600 A.D. Our professor Raul talking about the different uses of ceramics depending on the amount of detail and adornment Don Juan showing us a replica of a traditional burial, where the body would be surrounded by four offerings of food and jewelry placed at the cardinal points. Seeing the wear and tear that the years have had on certain pieces Observing a print of the first map of the city A closer look at the map A scale replica of the city's cathedral A photo with our stupendous tour guide, Don Juan who has worked in the Museum building for 50 years, first as a pos...
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