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Showing posts from October 30, 2016

Why, when we talk about "immersion," we aren't always talking about the same thing.

Immersion programs are not hard to find, in fact, there are nearly 500 schools that offer immersion  programs in the US alone. But let's take a step back for a moment to talk about what this word "immersion" really means. According to Merriam-Webster, immersion means: the act of putting someone or something completely in a liquid or the state of being completely in a liquid complete involvement in some activity or interest a method of learning a foreign language by being taught entirely in that language While it may appear that the most relevant definition to this topic would be the third, it is, in fact, the first. Let us imagine for a moment that the goal is fluency in a language or fluidity in your interactions in a new language. It's just a hop, skip and a splash from fluidity to fluids to liquids.  Perhaps that's a stretch, but the real reason that the third definition doesn't appeal to me is that "being taught entirely in the [target] ...